Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Church Farmers Market

The Farmers Market at Latham United Methodist Church opened in the church parking lot on May 7, 2013 and will open every Tuesday through October 1 from 3-7 p.m.  Don’t mistake the Farmers Market at Latham as the latest trend or the nostalgia of a pastor who grew up on a farm.  Church-based farmers markets are part of a growing trend and Latham’s senior pastor has a lifelong love of farming.  However, the Farmers Market at Latham UMC is an outgrowth of a theological understanding that values dirt.

In his book titled God’s People and God’s Land,[1] Christopher Wright says that the covenant relationship God established is properly conceived as a triangular relationship among Israel, the land and the Lord. The word land appears over 1,500 times in the Bible. That is more than the words heart, spirit, and love combined.  And yet, the Bible is not a geography or geology book. The Bible is the book of God creating and redeeming people and the land. The Apostle Paul says the creation waits with eager longing for human redemption by which it will be set free from its bondage to decay.[2]

The fifth commandment reads: “Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”[3] We often shorten that verse to “Honor your parents” or stress it as way to long life. The greatest benefit of honoring parents is that we continue in the land that the Lord our God is giving us. The sense of the command is more than “Be kind to your parents or they will take you out of their will.” The admonition is to honor your parents by working the land with them that has been given your family as a heritage. Stay connected to the land, your parents, and God. Our mobility makes it difficult for us to keep this commandment.

God created human beings to tend and care for God’s creation that provides all that is needed to sustain life. The fall of humankind separated us from God and from the land. Within the “curse” on the land resulting from Adam’s sin lies our path to redemption. God said that the ground without man tilling it would bring forth thorns and thistles, but by tilling the soil, man “shall eat the plants of the field.”[4] God’s command is for us to work with the earth for our food, to reconnect with the soil for our survival and growth.  Jesus lived close to nature and his parables invite us to observe and learn from creation to see and enter the Kingdom of God.

Today, many layers of suburban and urban domestication insulate us from the soil.  Hosting a farmers market in our church parking lot is a step toward reconnecting ourselves and our community with the soil and the people who draw their life and livelihood directly from it.

[1] Christopher J. H. Wright, God’s People in God’s Land: Family, Land and the Property in the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, MI,: Eerdmans, 1990), 104-5
[2] Romans 8:19-22
[3] Exodus 20:12
[4] Genesis 3:18